Doubtless by now you know that we are loyal fans promoters of Robert Kiyosaki and his CASHFLOW QUADRANT trainings – and everything else too. We were among the first to pre-order the CONSPIRACY OF THE RICH (we STRONGLY recommend you own this one fast!). Lately though we have been asked how our business, helping others create their dreams, relates to that training.

Simple really. Robert himself identifies our industry as the BEST CHOICE for anyone looking to establish a “B Quadrant” business because it allows you to substitute EFFORT (leveraged) for a huge capital investment ( money you don’t have or need elsewhere) thus creating a “sweat equity” position in the business.

In these challenging economic times you must DO all that you can to secure as many steams of income (cashflow) as possible. Just yesterday the gloom-spreaders announced the largest number of unemployed people since last November. AND YET we still have a growth business that is producing good income for all our team. Best of all the income will continue for a long time.


Yes indeed these are exciting times in which we live! Everyone has options in their daily life. Everyone can choose to be positive and “up-beat” or negative and depressed. COURAGE is the act of being positive in the face of adversity. So you can whine and complain about the economy or whatever, OR you can take command of your emotions and attitudes and MAKE the day a better day.

Here are some suggestions for how to completely remake your life into the dream you want.

First: Pray daily and remember that when the Lord is your companion, friend and champion NOTHING can stand against you!

Second : Act daily as though those things that you truely DESIRE to be true ARE true already.

Third: Treat EVERYONE you contact as if they were the most important person on earth -at that moment they should be to you.

Forth: Love unconditionally, your spouse/significant other, family, friends and enemies.

Fifth: Perform some act of kindness for someone before you end your day.
Sixth: journalize your life daily. Be honest and complete.

Seventh: Create a plan for your life. Starting with RIGHT NOW and creating the ULTIMATE life you deserve. Write it down, make it as detailed as possible – describe the color of the flowers, the smell of the air, the feel of the sheets GET DETAILED – this will take time and you should need several DAYS to complete this task

Eighth: review the plan 3 times per day and act on the next part that leads you toward that ultimate goal.

Nineth: Remember that NOBODY GETS OUT OF THIS LIFE ALIVE and no one ever regreted LIVING only being afraid to LIVE.

Tenth: Choose, every morning, to be HAPPY. This doesn’t mean you are content with the status quo but that you feel the JOY of life and living and accept that this is the ONLY day, the only moment over which we have any control – you cannot change what is past and you can not prevent the future any more than you can stop the sunrise or still the movement of the stars. You CAN create a better TODAY and that is your challenge.

WE would like to end this entry by welcoming all the new TB4L team members who have joined us this month! Welcome to the future of wellness!

Making a Difference is worthy

Yes I’ll say that again. Making a real meaningful difference in the lives of others is a worthy thing. When you can help people become healthy that’s worthy.
Case in point. A client with severe reaction to the MEDS given to treat shingles. Over 80 years old and the more meds they prescribe the WORSE her overall condition gets. Add ONE simple product and voila! three days later she’s sounding better, looking better, feeling better, sleeping and eating better.
A client who, by all rights should be a total train-wreck medically, has her heart ultrasounded and photo’d, blood tests for everything possible and all the doctor can tell her is that her heart function is normal and her tests all show NORMAL readings!

Or how about the horse that ripped his hind legs open to the bone from hock to coronet band and stripped the flesh clear down to the hoof, who should have been crippled for life but today doesn’t even have a scar to show for it?

If you can think of a single thing in life more worthy then that let me know.

Otherwise, join us and make a difference in the lives of those you love!